James McCormac

Project Manager

(University of Warwick)

Martin Dyer

Head of Control Systems
Coordinator Technical

(University of Sheffield)

Martin is a postdoctoral researcher working on GOTO operations, control software and scheduling. From 2015-19 he developed the GOTO Telescope Control System as his PhD research project.

Krzysztof Ulaczyk

Head of Operations

(University of Warwick)

Krzysztof is responsible for GOTO operations, hardware maintenance and data processing. He’s also involved in OGLE project and has background in sky surveys and variable stars.

Joe Lyman

Head of dataflow
Coordinator SN

(University of Warwick)

Joe Lyman is a software developer for the GOTO project, working on the real-time pipeline and marshall. His science interests are astrophysical transients, such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts and kilonovae, and the galaxies they inhabit.

Gavin Ramsay

Co-Chair Executive Board
Member Steering

(Armagh Observatory)

Gavin has interests in accreting binaries, transients and activity on stars.

Vik Dhillon

Co-Chair Executive Board
Member Steering

(University of Sheffield)

Duncan Galloway

Project Deputy PI
Co-Chair Steering

(Monash University)
Duncan’s research interests include detecting astrophysical transients in optical, X-ray and radio bands, and studying accreting neutron stars through their X-ray bursts and pulsations.

Danny Steeghs

Project PI
Co-Chair Steering

(University of Warwick)